4 Types of Education Meetings Doodle Helps Coordinate

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Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Students listen to their teacher

From arranging student office hours to organizing teaching and committee meetings, the world of academia involves a lot of scheduling. While these meetings are important to successfully delivering classes and helping address individual student needs, they often require a lot of time to coordinate the meetings themselves. It’s no easy task to organize and keep track of the various meetings with students, colleagues, and administrative staff. With busy schedules, finding a convenient time to meet can be a challenge, which is often made more complicated and lengthy by relying on email. 

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But in all honesty, scheduling meetings need not be so difficult. I have been using the online scheduling tool Doodle for quite some time to coordinate all of my education meetings. The reason is simple: it offers a variety of features and integrations that streamline, automate and speed up the scheduling process. That means I can save many hours every week and refocus that time on other more important priorities. 

From finding a convenient time to meet with colleagues to arranging office hours with students, Doodle makes my work life so much easier. To help other educators out, I’ve outlined the many types of education meetings you can schedule with Doodle. 

Meeting Type 1: Committee Meetings 

The first way Doodle can help simplify scheduling within academic institutions is by using its Group Meeting feature. This is a convenient way of collecting the availability of several participants to help identify meetings when the greatest number of individuals can attend. It’s perfect for determining the best time for committee or teaching meetings and allows everyone to indicate their availability, without the need for a chain of back and forth emails. Relying on emails to book meetings is not only tiresome and can take days (even weeks), but it can also lead to scheduling delays, mistakes and double-booked appointments. 

Some of the key benefits of using Doodle to schedule committee meetings include:

Meeting Type 2: Office Hours with Students

Doodle offers a dedicated Bookable Calendar feature that is perfect for scheduling office hours. The tool allows faculty to configure a series of bookable appointment slots that students are able to sign up for, without having to wait for them to respond to emails and cross checking your calendar to avoid double bookings. Students will automatically receive a calendar invite once they’ve selected one of the available time slots in the Bookable Calendar, which can include a link to the virtual meeting space for remote office hours.

Woman in a virtual meeting
Some of the key advantages for students include:

Some of the key advantages for faculty include:

Meeting Type 3: One-to-One Meetings with Colleagues

Another way Doodle can help in scheduling appointments is by using the one-to-one meetings feature. This is a great way of sharing possible meeting options with a colleague, allowing them to then select the most convenient day and time for them. 

Some of the key benefits of scheduling one-to-one meetings with Doodle include:

Meeting Type 4: Appointment Sign Ups with Guests

Another way that Doodle can simplify the meeting creating process is to create a sign-up slot schedule for meeting with a guest speaker or a job candidate. Creating an itinerary for visiting faculty often involves a lot of coordination. There’s a need to balance all of the faculty who want to meet with the guest and ensure that the guest’s itinerary is full.

A publicly viewable signup sheet makes it easy for faculty to sign up for slots at the time that best suits them, allowing the majority of meetings to be filled, while also allowing adjustments to be made to help finalize the schedule. Once most meeting slots are filled, it’s easy for faculty to coordinate amongst themselves, potentially swapping meeting slots or pairing up to accommodate more individuals. 

Some of the ways that this can help streamline the scheduling of guest meetings include:

If you’re looking for a scheduling tool to improve your education meeting processes and want to compare Doodle to other solutions, visit our competitor comparison page. 

Ready to get started?

Author: Gareth Keeves

Gareth is a lecturer in strategy at Rice University and the University of California, Davis. He received his PhD in strategy from the University of Michigan. He enjoys meeting with students and learning new ways to improve the online educational experience.

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