What is a monthly meeting?

Read Time: 5 minutes

Bobby Rae

Bobby Rae

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Heading Image Group 8

What is a monthly meeting?

Monthly meetings can cover all sorts of agendas, such as discussing progress, realigning your entire team for better results and more. These meetings are a great way to get information and ideas flowing through your company.

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Here, you can create a space for making your team members feel heard, relay facts and figures and plan for the future. Monthly meetings can help every team member feel energized, motivated and proud of their accomplishments from the last month.

They don’t just have to be for business though. Getting together with your friends and family regularly is a great way to check in to make sure they are doing alright and to help your own mental health too.

Meeting details

How to plan your meeting

Start by thinking about what you’re meeting for and prepare a list of roles. This way, you can provide clarity and an overall structure for the anticipated gathering. You can also assign roles to the participants to streamline the process. Create an agenda to follow so you stay on the key topics at hand.

Once you have everyone together, decide who will chair the meeting if it’s not you. Ensure that they have the agenda, stick to it and allow everyone the chance to speak. It’s important to hear all the voices in the room. Also, if there are areas where someone else in the room is going to lead, for instance, the head of a department with more insight about the topic, make sure the chair knows this. 

Sometimes it can be helpful to start with an ice-breaker or something to help everyone feel at ease. Even just a few minutes to chat and catch up with colleagues can people feel more comfortable about contributing - especially if it’s a large meeting.

Make sure the agenda is arranged by priority so nothing important gets missed. Start at the top and work your way through. If something feels like it’s going to take too long, recommend moving it to a follow-up where it can be discussed in more detail. 

As the meeting wraps up, take note of any follow-ups or action points and arrange to discuss them with the relevant people.

After the meeting, ask for feedback so you can continually improve the structure of your monthly meetings and get the most out of them. 

You can also make room to discuss any updates, like the direction you’re going in (best to start with a positive note – we’re glad we’ve achieved this much so far, but there’s more to be done).

No credit card required

How do you schedule a monthly meeting? 

Whether it’s work or play, getting people together for a meeting once a month is no small feat. That’s why you have Doodle.

Our Group Poll tool can get you an answer to when people are free in minutes. Simply, select a range of times and send it to your guests. They’ll decide what works for them and you’ll have a time to meet

Doodle Professional also lets you take scheduling to the next level. Add your own branding to meeting invites, get rid of ads and set deadlines for people to respond. Plus you can create unlimited Booking Pages - a powerful way to get a handle on your schedule.

If you’re meeting virtually, add your favorite video conferencing tool and Doodle will automatically add the links to any invites you send.

Doodle makes it easy for you to hold monthly meetings - no matter how many are in attendance. No email back and forth, no more stress, just more free time for you to focus on more important things. Try it for free today.

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