Doodle and Zapier: Automate the busy work

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Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Doodle and Zapier integration

Integrate Doodle and Zapier

Today Doodle is proud to announce its integration with the leading integration software, Zapier!

Ready to get started?

Zapier is a service that enables connections between all kinds of different apps and tools that you use every day. Now you can integrate Doodle into your daily workflow seamlessly by automating all kinds of time-consuming tasks, with zero coding required. Busy professionals like you need tools that allow them to work smarter, not harder.

Set up any number of our integrations today to boost your productivity, cut out the annoying busy work, and tidy up your virtual clutter.

How does the Doodle Zapier integration work?

Zapier lets you connect your apps together. We all use numerous apps in our work lives, be it Zoom or Slack for communication, Airtable for data, or Hubspot for CRM. With Zapier you set up the trigger, a ‘zap’, and then dictate what action you’d like to happen. On the Doodle side of things, this could be when you create a meeting invite, when someone participates, or when you close the meeting invite. You can set up these Zaps for different aspects of your work. Zapier will monitor your apps for updates and new information, and then do exactly what you told it to do with it. You can even set up multi-step flows, daisy-chaining different actions together. This is all occurring behind the scenes so you can automate the busy work and save your brainpower for what’s important.

Automation and scheduling: examples

Instead of using our Doodle emails to notify your participants, for example, you can send personalized emails with poll results from your own email account. This way you can write your own text, and include any other information regarding the meeting that you like. You can set up Slack notifications when people participate in your polls or them automatically to channels and DMs to save yourself some time. To take it a step further, you can automatically add the names and contact details to Excel or Google Sheets if you prefer to keep track of participants that way.

The options you have with Zapier integrations are practically endless; you can easily automate all the mundane admin and manual work around your meetings. Keep in mind this is all on top of the calendar management functionality that Doodle already provides!

Get started with Zapier today and start automating your busy work.

How to set up the Doodle Zapier integration

Setting up a zap is easy: Choose the trigger and the action, relax and let the integration do the rest!

Example Doodle Zapier Integration in Slack

Ready to get started?

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