Den næste store duo - Doodle og dine yndlingsapps

Få mere ud af det hele sammen, uden at øge de generelle omkostninger. Doodle kan integreres problemfrit med dine foretrukne apps og værktøjer.

Intet kreditkort påkrævet

Collaborates with your tools, too image
Ready for remote / product integrations

Klar til fjernbetjening

Tilslut Doodle til Zoom, Google Meet eller Webex, og tilføj automatisk videokonferencelinks til alle begivenheder.

Integrations stripe interface

Føl dig sikker med professionel fakturering

Med betalinger drevet af Stripe kan du kræve, at kunderne betaler for at booke tid hos dig, hvilket sikrer, at betalingerne er sikre, pålidelige og tilgængelige.

Automate your scheduling / product integrations

Automatiser din planlægning

Tilslut Doodle til Zapier, og opbyg din egen arbejdsgang med de over 3.000 tilsluttede apps.

Disse værktøjer er fantastiske Doodle holdkammerater

iCloud logo
Apple iCloud beta

Schedule across all your Apple devices with a native integration.

Zoom icon

Automatically add Zoom video links to virtual meetings you schedule with Doodle.

Outlook Logo
Outlook Add-In

Get the scheduling power of Doodle straight to your email and calendar.

Microsoft Office Teams small
Microsoft Teams

Generate conferencing links automatically and make scheduling meetings easier.

Zapier Logo

With thousands of integration options, connect Doodle to the tools you use.

Google meet icon
Google Meet

Automatically add video links to virtual meetings you schedule with Doodle.

Symbol - Stripe

Opkræv betalinger, når din tid er booket, for at undgå forsinkede betalinger, aflysninger og udeblivelser.

Microsoft Exchange Icon
Microsoft Exchange

Schedule your day the easy way by adding Doodle to your email and calendar.

google calendar icon
Google Calendar

Get a clear view of your day and sync all your events automatically.

microsoft office
Microsoft Office 365

Bring Doodle to your office, save time and work the way you want to.

iCloud logo
Apple iCloud beta

Schedule across all your Apple devices with a native integration.

Zoom icon

Automatically add Zoom video links to virtual meetings you schedule with Doodle.

Outlook Logo
Outlook Add-In

Get the scheduling power of Doodle straight to your email and calendar.

Microsoft Office Teams small
Microsoft Teams

Generate conferencing links automatically and make scheduling meetings easier.

Zapier Logo

With thousands of integration options, connect Doodle to the tools you use.

Google meet icon
Google Meet

Automatically add video links to virtual meetings you schedule with Doodle.

Symbol - Stripe

Opkræv betalinger, når din tid er booket, for at undgå forsinkede betalinger, aflysninger og udeblivelser.

Microsoft Exchange Icon
Microsoft Exchange

Schedule your day the easy way by adding Doodle to your email and calendar.

google calendar icon
Google Calendar

Get a clear view of your day and sync all your events automatically.

microsoft office
Microsoft Office 365

Bring Doodle to your office, save time and work the way you want to.

Saml dine værktøjer og medarbejdere og skab forudsætningerne for succes.

No credit card required.